Forget the Chores . . . Too Nice Outside

I want to know if there are more chore-challenged people out there besides me. Would it surprise you to know there are dishes in the sink, laundry waiting to be folded, mail piling up? It comes and goes in cycles around here. And, honestly, it kills me.

It’s the part of me I dislike the most… my procrastination. I just get exhausted picking up after everyone, and I blame myself for not teaching my kids better, for not having the picture-perfect “Better Homes & Garden” home that’s ready for guests at the drop of a pin.

Here’s the thing – there’s so much I’d rather do. Like, today. We’ve been blessed with the most ridiculous March weather in Chicago. I want to hop on my bike, I want to finish some sewing projects, start other projects, eat lunch and write outside… So, I’m trying to give myself a pass today to not feel guilty about enjoying the day. Give yourself one, too, won’t you?

Lately, I’ve been struggling a little with writing, and I’m not sure if it’s because I’m trying to be someone I’m not on the website, if I’m just REALLY overextended with things, if I’m horrible at time management. It’s time again for me to reevaluate things and find my voice. Might tweak the site a little, also. (OH, Sorry if anyone has had issues with the comment box. It’s fixed now.) I’m just glad my family and friends are super supportive. 🙂

I’m looking forward to sharing some more of our February and March: birthday party ideas, rice krispie sushi and more cooking and crafting ideas. Also, if you’re interested, take a look at Can’t wait to journal about my adventures.

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