12 Days of Gift Wrapping: Yarn or twine

Totally Pinterest-inspired wrapping.

12 Days of Gift Wrapping: Yarn instead of Ribbon

So, in case you don’t have or run out of ribbon, scrounge around your house… maybe you have twine or yarn! Cut ten to twenty lengths of yarn, enough to go around your gift and enough for you to tie tight knots. Tie the yarn one piece at a time around your gift with a double knot. Once you’re done, line up all the knots and then trim the ends to the length you desire. Kind of like a hair cut.

12 Days of Gift Wrapping: If you don't have ribbon

How about a skein of multi-colored yarn? Just take your yarn and apply the same way as above, or tape one end of your yarn and wind around your gift until you get the width you like. Cut and tape the end, tucking it in behind the rest of the yarn. It’s just as much  fun unwrapping it as it is winding the yarn around the box.

12 Days of Gift Wrapping: If you don't have ribbon

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