Birthday Part 2: Painting Pottery

Really, this was “part one”. I kicked off my fabulous 40th birthday weekend with a ladies night out at our local pottery studio, If an Elephant Can Paint. What a treat to be able to sit and paint our own projects (not our kids’), and talk (uninterrupted).

I looked around the table at friends who span my childhood, grade school, high school, post-college and now, from my kids’ school. I am crazy blessed to have these people in my life.

If an Elephant Can Paint

If an Elephant Can Paint silkscreen

We even learned a silkscreening technique.

If an Elephant Can Paint

If an Elephant Can Paint

If an Elephant Can Paint

My painted platter in progress

If an Elephant Can Paint

Salt shaker in progress

Special thanks to Vicky and her crew at the studio!! You can check out our finished projects album, too. It’s at my personal Facebook page… until I transfer some pics here. Enjoy!

Reconciliation, Glass Blowing and Friends

What a nice weekend. We celebrated Abby’s First Reconciliation at our church. The big celebration will be in April with First Holy Communion.

At Church with Abby

Ollie and Grandpa

Then we visited our friend and glass artist, Robert Fritz. Bob (sitting) and Eastman used to work together, but now, Bob is a retired high school art teacher, and he can do what he loves. Bob hosts a holiday open house at his studio and home to showcase his work as well as other artists. We’re fortunate to have a few pieces by Bob; one was commissioned by Eastman for Christmas right before Abby was born. Talk about an emotion-evoking gift! Breathtaking work, really. Check out Bob’s gallery on his website. The highlight of the day is learning a little about pulling or blowing glass and being able to pull our own cane ornaments. We must have at least a dozen now.

Robert Fritz Freeblown Glass Holiday Open House

Eastman pulling latticino glass ornament

Pulling Hot Glass

Julie's turn to work with hot glass

Looking a little wonky?!

Bored Kids at Holiday Glass Blowing Open House

Bob's Assistant grinding glassGreg Colombe pottery

We were excited to see Greg Colombe again and his beautiful pottery work (he’s in the background in the red shirt). He’s doubled his color palate just by adding porcelain to his materials. We have a stoneware pillar candle holder and lidded jar. This year we bought a soap dish with the most amazing glaze, and Abby and Ollie both came home with the prettiest magnets our refrigerator will see. You just might fall in love with Greg’s work if you go to his site and check out his gallery.

So, to continue the “visiting friends” theme of the day… we ventured a little further and met with some long time friends, one I haven’t seen since high school! I don’t know who had more fun, the kids or the grown-ups?

Kids TableOld Friends coming together

I couldn’t have asked for a better weekend to help me get out of my winter doldrum funkiness. I’m so blessed with amazing friends and family.

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