Mugshot Monday: Wanting

So this week’s prompt at A Year in the Life of an Art Journal is: It’s MY life, and I want it NOW! What do you want, right now, in life? We’re shooting our mugs in a setting that symbolizes what we want.

Mugshot Monday: My life

I love my life. My family, a hubby who puts up with my crazy projects, friends, a roof over my head, health… I’m so, so grateful. The good Catholic guilt sets in when I feel like I need more. Maybe it’s that I think I can offer more, do more. So, I think I just want some direction in my life about the next phase, a sign to help me figure out where-to: career-change, go back to an office, write more, teach crafty things to crafty people…

Everything I’m picking up to read, to drool over, seems to point in a creative direction. Just gotta keep moving forward.

Mugshot Monday: What I’m Reading

Monday Mugshots Collaboration

Here I am taking a break this morning from reading my neglected e-mail inbox. Actually the drawing is part of a draw-along I’m hosting on my Facebook page. Come and join me there if you’d like to see what these orange shapes will become.

I recently joined GeekMom as an occasional contributor. (Yay me, but I have yet to submit an article to them.) There’s so much talent in that group that it’s intimidating. And wow – the amount of group discussion that goes on behind the scenes amazes me. I realize now that I don’t have to keep up with absolutely all the messages, but still, I’m trying to figure out the ropes, so to speak. Looking forward to expanding horizons and sharing my own geekiness over there.

Update: My pillow tutorial was posted on GeekMom on Nov. 30. Enjoy!

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