Mugshot Monday: Fall, Change, December

Mugshot Monday: December

Happy December. And here we are kicking it off with some Joe-Joe’s.
The shame of it is, I should’ve bought more.

And a bonus mugshot taken the other morning. No snow on the ground… yet.

Mugshot Monday: Fall and Change

Having Thanksgiving late last month is messing with me… we’re closing in on Christmas and I need to accept that the 50,000 projects I have swirling in my head aren’t going to happen in three weeks. I’ll be busy with:

  • Prepping for our cookie party (next weekend),
  • Decorating and decluttering (tidying up, I try to do every day and fail),
  • Teaching a gift wrapping class this week (which I’m really looking forward to).

Then there was my idea of handcrafting all my Christmas gifts this year. Yeah. And I wonder why I get so “cray, cray” at myself this time of the year, every year. I used to really, really, love Christmas. I do still love Christmas. It is my favorite holiday. But it’s different, or I’ve changed.

I find myself doing things that need attention do versus the things I want to do – and that’s because in years past, oh I’d forgotten some bills in the piles of mail on my desk. Oh, there’s loads of neglected laundry to do because I’d been out and about enjoying the sights, shopping, etc.

Gotta say, not big into shopping so much – at least on weekends, and that’s when my husband can go out. I’m finding it harder and harder to go to the malls, the big box places. I would much rather go to art and craft fairs, small stores, or even make things myself (of course, that’s what I really want to do). But, realistically, it’ll be another, “I’m gonna do that next year…”

It has been a good year, losses and all. Wrote more postings, made friends along the way. I did submit my first article to GeekMom (yay!)… link to my pillow tutorial here!

Starting next week, I’ll share some gift wrapping lessons from my class prep, and then after about 10-12 tips, we’ll call it a day. I’m “closing up shop” from the website to focus energy on family, home, holiday activities. I’ll still be active on the Facebook page, and I would soooo love it if you joined me there.

See you all back here next week!

Mugshot Monday: Wanting

So this week’s prompt at A Year in the Life of an Art Journal is: It’s MY life, and I want it NOW! What do you want, right now, in life? We’re shooting our mugs in a setting that symbolizes what we want.

Mugshot Monday: My life

I love my life. My family, a hubby who puts up with my crazy projects, friends, a roof over my head, health… I’m so, so grateful. The good Catholic guilt sets in when I feel like I need more. Maybe it’s that I think I can offer more, do more. So, I think I just want some direction in my life about the next phase, a sign to help me figure out where-to: career-change, go back to an office, write more, teach crafty things to crafty people…

Everything I’m picking up to read, to drool over, seems to point in a creative direction. Just gotta keep moving forward.