Mugshot Monday: Wanting

So this week’s prompt at A Year in the Life of an Art Journal is: It’s MY life, and I want it NOW! What do you want, right now, in life? We’re shooting our mugs in a setting that symbolizes what we want.

Mugshot Monday: My life

I love my life. My family, a hubby who puts up with my crazy projects, friends, a roof over my head, health… I’m so, so grateful. The good Catholic guilt sets in when I feel like I need more. Maybe it’s that I think I can offer more, do more. So, I think I just want some direction in my life about the next phase, a sign to help me figure out where-to: career-change, go back to an office, write more, teach crafty things to crafty people…

Everything I’m picking up to read, to drool over, seems to point in a creative direction. Just gotta keep moving forward.