Out in California

I haven’t made much time to blog about our trip to California. Maybe because there are so many destinations I want to write about, and I will! They revolve around food, surprised? But, it was fantastic to stay with my cousin and his family (they were the best hosts) near Sacramento. It was our one taste of REAL summer, because when we stepped off the plane it was over 100 degrees. Chicago has had a crazy bout of cold and rainy weather this year. Totally opposite of the hot and humid summers we usually have.

The trip was a change to our original plans of traveling to New Orleans without the kids. Basically, got a call, ill relative, not much time, that sort of thing. But, he’s doing okay now, not completely cured, but as good as he’s going to be at this stage. The kids were excited to go on an airplane. This came a few weeks after my daughter was asking me, “Mooooom, when are we going to take an airplane again? I like the airport, like when we have to take off our shoes.” And, we did get Ollie his own seat. So worth it! This was a much better ride than last year when he sat on my lap from Chicago to Los Angeles, and the L.A. to Hawaii, and back again.

Ready for Takeoff

We took a trip to Napa and San Francisco…I’ll have some more focused journals about where we went there. Fog, slight chill (got really chilly), ocean-bay air, See’s candies, fudge at Pier 39…Oh, I do love San Francisco.

Transamerica Building

Abby didn’t realize how much driving we would be doing. Essentially it takes an hour or more to get anywhere…

So much driving around

But really, the best parts of the trip: hanging out with my aunts, uncles, my cousins and their kids, reconnecting with another cousin whom I haven’t seen in years, Jelly Belly factory tour, playing in the local park, slip and slide during the hot afternoon. We don’t see them enough… wish we lived closer.

Checking out the waterScooting on the carpet

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