Life Lessons with Bubbles

I spent a good two hours outside with Ollie riding his tricycle, bicycle with training wheels, talking to the neighbors, playing hopscotch… and then he said, “Let’s blow some bubbles!” This was an exciting thing for him: I’m blowing bubbles until I nearly pass out and he’s chasing them all over the yard and driveway. There’s just something so innocent and lovely about watching your kid screeching with happiness as little round glass-like spheres float all around. Tell you what… you quickly learn how good or bad your lung capacity is!

You can find a ton of homemade bubble solutions online, but here’s a nice quick start.

  • 1/2 c. dishwashing liquid
  • 2 c. water
  • 2 tsp. glycerin or corn syurp

Mix in a shallow pan. You can also refill your old bubble jars.

Don't eat the bubble liquid!

My “lessons learned” from bubbles that day:

  • The most simplest of things are temporary
  • Chase after your goal, big or small
  • Time is fleeting, enjoy it while its here…

and, maybe a bubble machine would be a worthwhile purchase. *whew*

Happy Fourth of July everyone!

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