Sickness in the House

Blizzard 2011 was memorable: kids playing in the streets, our neighbors helping dig people out, snowbanks that are four to six feet tall. But, as all good things do, it came to an end and my husband went back to work on Friday as did most everyone around here… except for my daughter. Little A is sick with the flu, so there hasn’t been too much going on here except for lots of snuggling on the couch, periodic temperature checks and lying around in PJ’s all day for her.

There’s been a lot of time spent in the kitchen these last few days… I need everyone to be back in school and work so I can stop eating so much! We did celebrate Chinese New Year at home, but will have the BIG family gathering in a few weeks… and then celebrated my husband’s birthday yesterday with a homemade bolognese lasagna (Saturday night went out with friends for a grown-up night). The house still smells like garlic and  rich Italian sauce.

Hilarious Product Placement

In the meantime, I’ll be back in full force next week. I’d love to do a little “craft-along” project with whomever would like to join.

Thank you, readers, for sticking around,
thank you for reading along,
thank you for all your comments both on the site and private.

It means the world…

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