Happy December (and some wishes for you…)

I took a longer break than I anticipated… got the flu. Full-blown flu. I was so mad and miserable last week. Got our Christmas tree up after Thanksgiving, nursed a sick son back to health and then got sick. Achy, feverish, and my voice sounded like Darth Vader most mornings. *sigh* So, here we are. Getting healthy.

We’ll have to play a little catch up in the next week, but just want to officially start the holiday season by wishing everyone the best. I hope…

…your handmade projects and gifts are finished on time,
…your classic family dishes turn out well on the holiday table,
…your cookie wins first-place or most favorite at your annual cookie exchange,
…your shopping is almost or already done (and gifts are wrapped),
…your holiday guests are gracious,
…visions of sugar plums dance in your head,
…your wishes come true, and
…for these next few weeks, I hope we don’t lose sight of the real meaning of Christmas. (I love Charlie Brown.)


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