With Thoughts from the Weekend

No pictures tonight.

Horrible news from Connecticut on Friday still reels in my head, like just about everyone in the nation.

This is what I wrote on my personal Facebook page on Friday night:
How many parents let their kids stay up later than usual? How many kids got that extra piece of candy or dessert tonight? How many parents cherished kisses, relished in hugs from their little ones today? How many people got teary or started to cry tonight saying bedtime prayers?

Yes, all of the above for me.

Today, the tv was for football games and tonight, I couldn’t help but cry when one stadium sent up one flare for every person tragically lost. And, the President’s speech… too many names spoken. I sat with a Kleenex box.

There’s no comprehension for what Newtown is feeling and coping with. I’m so heartbroken for this community and for the families… I start to get teary-eyed every time I hear bits of the events. And stories are surfacing of people I “know” through social media who are directly dealing with loss.

Let’s be thankful for what we have, for our loved ones in our lives. Let’s send thoughts of comfort to those who are in need.

There are ways to help… here’s one:
Sandy Hook School Support Fund through United Way


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