Mugshot Monday: Oscar Night Hangover

Mugshot Monday: Oscar Night Hangover

Award shows are my “Super Bowl”. No parties necessary, just me and my family, rooting for our favorites. Don’t worry, I won’t go into a play-by-play review of the evening. There’s plenty of that going on. I totally missed the Red Carpet anyway. I will say this:

  • Twitter and Facebook make Award shows really interactive for me. So much humor out in the world.
  • The In Memoriam always chokes me up.
  • Wasn’t the music fun and inspiring last night?
  • I was really happy for Adele.
  • The ridiculous “boobs” song by Seth MacFarlane… Can’t tell you how many times I told the little one, “You cannot sing this in school! Do you understand? Do not sing this outside of this house.”

So, today I’m going to recover from the weekend: late Oscars night (I did start to drag, didn’t it?) and my daughter’s sleepover party. Fun times to share about her book exchange party.

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