Mugshot Monday: Drink of Choice

Today’s prompt from “A Year in the Life of an Art Journal” was Drink of Choice.

Mugshot Monday: Drink of Choice

So, what’s in my mug nowadays? Today was Major Dickason’s from Peet’s. But on any given day, I might have a Sumatra from Starbuck’s or a blend from an independent roaster. I’m a purist. Love my French press. Well, honestly, I’m only making a cup for myself and the hubby. No need to break out the coffee maker.

Last December we took a tour of Intelligentsia Coffee in Chicago. And we went home with like four bags of freshly roasted coffee! It was divine – so silky smooth. So now I’m spoiled.

But, I gotta say after the one cup of coffee, I really try to stick with tea if I want something hot to sip. And what better way than to have loose leaf tea from our favorite local tea shop, TeaLula.

TeaLula loose leaf tea

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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