Bird Problems

Note: Some pictures will not be for the squeamish. Proceed with caution. You have been warned!

It seems like we’re having a run of bird issues. At first it was all innocent. We had a family of robins living just outside of Abby’s window.

Robin's Nest

Our neighbor also has a birdfeeder with some sort of wild bird mix with berries and we’re seeing a lot of beautiful cardinals and blue jays. But, with that comes interesting splotches of dark blue-purple all over the patio and driveway. One of them dropped a bird-doo bomb on my car, on the driver’s side door WHILE I was pulling into our driveway with the window OPEN. GROSS, right? I had to wipe off the door, window “sill” and part of my seat. Ollie and I were spared from any splash.

Then one day, I’m in the basement and… THUD!

“Joules… bird!” says Eastman.


“I said, “Bird!”, a bird just ran into the window…” says Eastman.

“It was so loud, Mom!” says Abby.


Oh no. Oh yes, the husband says, and he’s laughing! I creep up to the window slowly and see the ugliest, yet saddest, blackbird lying still on our patio. I actually shrieked…eeeeeee… and ran around my kitchen like a crazy girl. You know that feeling when your stomach all of a sudden drops, and you feel a little sick and all the color has drained out of your face? Yeah, that’s me, because it’s my job to dispose of the aviary corpse. Ugh. Not my favorite chore. I tried to tell my husband that, hey, it’s like a husbandly duty sort of thing, but there are some actual physical challenges and so I have to do it.

Within one week of the blackbird incident, there were two other birds run over in front of our home in the street. At least I didn’t have to clean them up.

The other day, Abby and our next door neighbor’s granddaughter found a robin’s egg in the backyard. On the ground. I took the pictures approaching the egg, then Abby says, “Ooh, ooh, I want to take a picture from my side.” I didn’t know she’d take a close up. It’s impressive, but definitely not pretty. I didn’t realize the egg was “inhabited”.

Robin's EggRobin's Egg - A little closerUnfotunate Robin's Egg

Filipino people out there… balut! Eeeeek!

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