Recycled Paper Coasters

Recycled Coasters

This is what I do when my kid doesn’t want to go outside, wants to snuggle and watch The Wiggles, Sesame Street and Little Bill. I have a hard time sitting still. So, I took apart a catalog that just came in the mail and made these coasters. Can  you see Martha Stewart’s noggin? Heh. Wish I could take credit for these little paper projects, but I found this tutorial a while ago on Jess Jones’s blog, How About Orange. After following her blog a little while, I actually met her in person this past Spring at the first Craft Social. My coasters need a little work because I didn’t exactly follow her directions, nor did I have the computer by my side, but they work!

While this is a departure from my seemingly endless conversation about food, it’s made me think about how this journal is evolving. I’m contemplating extracting all the food (and some entertaining) entries and starting a separate blog. I really thought I’d be talking about crafting more often, and no doubt, it has a special place in my heart, but somehow I take more pictures of food and have this want to share it online. Not only that, I’m finding it difficult to make time for crafting, but hey, everyone has to eat, right?

I have no name ideas, I don’t even know how to do the task. WordPress for Dummies seems to be a good purchase right about now. But, I haven’t yet made the executive decision to lop off the food conversations. There are pros and cons to having everything in one place.

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