Some Website Clean-up, Fun and Giveaway

Funky Monday soup, right? We’ll get to that in a moment. I’ve been toying around with this site layout. I’m no web programmer by any means, just playing around. Some of the additions are:

  • Along the right hand side of the blog, I’ll post some books and products on cooking, crafting, etc. Some books I own, some I’ve borrowed, read at the library, seen at friend’s homes… I just think they’re cool books, and I think you might like them too. I promise not to clutter up with too much advertising. That was never my intention with this site.
  • Further down the right hand side, there is a “Google Friend Connect” box. I don’t know if there are people other than my family who are following my craziness – well, on a regular basis. I sure do appreciate it if you are, and if you feel so inclined to follow along, feel free to sign-in.

So, around 8:00 PM last night, I realized, “OH, it’s Sunday!” It was one of those, “Gee, I thought it was Saturday” moments, and I have to get my head back into the weekday routines.  But no, I was wandering around cyberspace and found this site: Sign Generator from So much fun to be had. There are lots of images to choose from – pick one and enter your phrase. That’s how the Monday Soup came about.

How about your own Oscar award? Street sign? Magic 8 ball? I would have to shake the ball again if I got this fortune. We all have those days, don’t we? I feel like making a bunch of goofy ones and sending them off to my friends.

Lastly, go by Craft Critique today to see my review on Donna Downey products (there are 3 articles, mine is number 2 or 3), and sign up for the wonderful giveaways! I’m so excited to be able to bring these fun opportunities to readers! Entries are open until Wed., May 5… Happy Cinco de Mayo!

(My Craft Critique legal disclosure that I have to include so I or others don’t get in trouble!)

Favorite band names that aren’t real bands

I’m feeling much, much better now and I’m catching up on lots of household chores. The laundry room was very lonely without me over the last week or so. In between loads, I was thinking about some construction terms, medical diagnoses and even some medications that would make really good band names. Why do I fill my brain with this bizarre information? Because it’s fun… share your own, or let me know if these are actual bands!

Frozen Corneas: heard about this on a morning radio show

Tessalon Perles: not only is this fun to say, but it’s my favorite prescription cough suppresant

Quarter-inch drill bits: this is my made-up band name

Hole Hawgs: this is a kind of drill

FDIOS, the dyslexic dogs: not medical or construction, but silly.

Jumping Frenchmen of Maine
Jumping Frenchmen of Maine is a form of the exaggerated startle reflex known as hyperexplexia, so named because it was first observed in French-Canadian lumberjacks in the Moosehead Lake region of Maine in 1878. Sufferers were reported to react abnormally to loud, sudden noises — screaming, flailing, muscle seizures and, most puzzlingly, obeying commands in a reflexive, involuntary manner. For instance, when instructed in a loud, authoritative voice to hit someone, they would do so without question. It’s believed to be a genetic condition caused by a blockage of an amino acid that calms the central nervous system. (Information from

Stay tuned. I’m heading up another table at the craft social! This time… doodling.

Random Conversations with My Kids

Noodle Beard

It’s so hard sometimes to capture all the little snippets of every day conversations that you’d like to remember so that you can tell your kids one day, “You were sooooo cute when you were (insert age)!!” I have these moments all the time, and I’m sure many parents do, too. Whether you’re in the car, doing chores, fixing them a meal, sharing a meal – there are just those fun moments.


One night I sent the kids to brush their teeth and I said I’d be right behind them. Ollie is only 2, so he needs helps, usually. Not even 2 minutes later, Ollie comes waltzing into my bedroom.

“Did you brush your teeth, Ollie?”


“Are you sure?”

“Ahhh-beee say I good, so… I done!”

“Really, Abby said you’re good, so you’re done?”

The answer was a definite YES, and when I checked with Abby, she had a good chuckle. Now she says, “I good, so I done,” anytime she can.


Ollie’s ABC’s needed a little work and this is how it went in the car. Please sing along.

Ay – Bee – Tsee – Dee – Eff – Gee – Aych – I – Jay – Kay – Emm – Oooo – Pee – Kew – Ahr – Ess – Tee – You – Vvvv (long pause) Seven – Eight – Nine – Ten

Now he says, “Tee – You – Vee – Duhbuh You – Eck – Why and Szhee”


“Ollie, how are you today?”


“You’re Fffff-ine?”

“Yah. That’s what I say, Pine.”

“Try saying “ffffff-ine”, Ollie.”


“What about Fat Cat?”

“Fffff-Pat Cat.”

“Okay, we’ll work on that somemore.”


On the way to school one morning I had such the Mom-moment. Mom-nesia, if you will.

“Abby, I should record that new tv show with the show choir-high school show.”

“Yeah, it was cool. What’s it called, Mom?”

“I can’t remember.. uh, you know, we watched it the other night, Geek? Yeah, I think it’s called Geek!”

“Geek? Oh, MOM, don’t you mean GLEE? Bwahahahaha. Mom, you’re funny.”

“Ollie says, Punny mommy.”


Ollie: I wuv Unc-kuh Gweg. (our new brother-in-law)

Mom: That’s really nice, Ollie.

Ollie: I big wike Unc-kuh Gweg. I big boy.

Abby: Uh, Ollie, you’re not.

Ollie: Yah, I AM!

Abby: NO, you’re still LITTLE!

Ollie: NOOO, I big boy. Maaaaahm, Ah-bee say I wit-tuh, but I big!”

“Ollie, if you think you’re a big boy, then start using the potty.”

Yeah, that ended that conversation really fast.


My kids

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