Thursday Tip: Lunchtime Jello

How is everyone doing? This school year took off with so much energy, and I feel like I’m just now coming up for some air… getting ready to go back down into the river of household-heading, room parenting, writing, blogging, crafting, etc. Like so many, I have a problem saying NO, and I have a penchant for starting projects every time I see something cool. But, after realizing I have way too many daydreams and not enough finished products, I thought I better try to tidy up my projects-in-progress before I start something new.

In the meantime, there’s been plenty of activity around here… hope to share soon. And now, for a Thursday Tip.

Reusable lunch containers are great

More often than not, I’m using reusable lunch containers for my daughter. The ones we have actually fit her cooler lunchbox from L.L. Bean.

Jello right in container

My husband saw that I was making some Jello, and suggested I pour some right into the lunch containers. Totally worked – no staining, either! (He’s so smart.) There was enough Jello for four containers, and the rest was put into an 8×8 glass pan.

Lunch boxes ready for the week

I’d love to hear your lunchtime tips… what are some favorite lunchtime meals?

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