Playing with Superhero Action Figures

The most frequently asked question by the little man in our house nowadays is, “Mom, you wanna play Batman Cave with me?” This is followed by, “You be Robin and I’ll be Batman.” Fun, no doubt. Mentally draining, yes. This is an everyday occurrence too. Imagine how excited he was when we found Superman at the store?

He’ll role play without his action figures. The other day at the mall, he was pretending to be Spiderman, and of course, he was wearing his Marvel comics t-shirt. He’s such a boy, and we love him.

It’s really amazing to see how imaginative he is with his action figures. We’ve played hide-and-seek around the Batcave, given all the characters birthday parties (“But, Mom, they don’t have decorations.” – yes, my child, right?), played good-guys-get-the-bad-guys, and even American Idol. This is with our favorite characters, The Teen Titans:

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