Speaking at a Young Authors Workshop

Are we all tired of winter already? We’ve had a few weeks of completely BLAH weather here with little or no sunshine, but today… look at that bright light shining in the corner of the picture! Sunlight: it brings me to a happy place. This was taken at a Young Authors workshop for fifth grade students where I was invited to impart wisdom about beginner blogging. (I know, don’t laugh. I just started this gig, right? The hosts knew that, as did my friend who connected us.)

Two sessions at 45 minutes each… it went well, honest to goodness truth. And, I have to give credit to the students; they asked really interesting and some insightful questions. Can you write a blog with more than one person? How do people find out about your blog? Why are some websites free and others aren’t? Some of the students even brainstormed website and blog names for themselves which I’d love to share, but hey, I wouldn’t want anyone to steal them. So, a big, big thank you to the coordinators, administrators, teachers and students for having me. I learned some things too.

Where else have I been and what have I been doing?

Some crafting…

Homemade Granola

and some cooking… stay tuned!

**Update: I’m happy to report this is my 200th post!**

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