Back in the (Blogging) Saddle Again

You know it’s getting really hectic around my home when I stop making time to blog. But everyone knows, real life can take over like a storm… like “when it rains, it pours”. Above all else, gotta take care of the family and run a household. And we all try to have a little fun in between. Otherwise, I’m fine, the family is fine, just getting ready for the end of the school year, summer plans, and all that. My little one finished his first year of preschool, and the older one is just two weeks away from becoming a fourth grader. *yikes* She’s one of the big kids all of a sudden!

In the next few posts I’ll be sharing some of the happenings around here, get back to the 30 days of creativity, too, but until then, take a gander at the new Twitter button and Facebook fan page (links are at the right hand side). I have to admit, I’m on Facebook a lot. The fan page was born out of reorganizing my personal page, and there you’ll find more craft, food and home goodies… a little more interactive, if you will. Thanks for hanging around, internet pals!

Our Blog Readers…Where are They?

Who reads this blog? Seriously, I can think of less than ten people who I personally know. I do have stats through an application. (I’m just now learning all this. It’s a lot of tech to me.) I don’t know your name or where you live. I’m not that tech savvy, and I don’t want to know. However, whether you stumbled upon through a browser search or your my friend or family, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for taking the time to see what’s happening in our world!

A BIG HELLO to Miami, Seattle, Denver, Bolingbrook, Chicago, Arlington Heights, Dubai, Los Angeles, Montreal, Belgium, Taipei, Maryland, Budapest, Kansas, St. Louis, Kenosha, Arizona, London and San Francisco!

Hello world!

Welcome to my site!  Still exploring my goals for this, but I’m hoping to corral my virtual communities here and share life happenings while we explore together.

There are lots of changes to be made, much to learn about editing, and I’m excited about this new venture. Thanks to my graphic-guru brother for this spiffy Christmas gift!

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