Growing up foodie

Looking back at some posts, I don’t know that I’ve written specifically about our penchant for cooking, entertaining, and food. Good food. Good ingredients help. We like a good restaurant, fancy or not, kid-friendly or super posh, and good deals are a favorite. Ha. It’s no secret, we enjoy it all. I wonder if part of it is from my husband’s stint at a seafood restaurant during high school. Or maybe it’s my fascination with The Food Network which I’ve watched from the beginning. I’d watch and think, “Hey, I could make that.” Much like crafting, eh? I’m thankful I’m not any heavier than I am with what I eat!

Before kids, I used to have this weird idea that our children would have mature palates and speak like Sylvester the Cat’s son… “Fah-ther, why must we eat the bird?” Remember that? But instead they would say, “Mother… I would like grilled brie on baguette for lunch.” or “Father, please pass the smoked salmon.”

Over the weekend, we shopped at our local Trader Joe’s and watching our kids in the store is probably indicative of how our foodie habits influence them. Our girl does enjoy salmon, cheddar cheese and apples, dark chocolate. Then there’s the boy. He made his way to the cheese section. I love that he went for brie first! But in the end we bought some parmesan… he likes eating that too.

Shopping for cheese

Shopping at Trader Joe's

The boy likes tea, too. He’s my tea buddy at TeaLula’s tea bar. His favorites are fruity flavored ones with lots of sugar cubes, but I try to keep it to one cube per cup, if that. Tea and scones. Ollie says, “Ah-yee (Ollie) cone, cone now, eat cone. Dink tea.” Pictures by Ollie. Mom, Miss Sheila and his beloved “cones”.

TeaLula and Sheila DudaScones at TeaLula

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