Cleaning out the Closet and a Drawer

We have a giant front closet in our foyer, and I’ll admit, it’s long overdue for a little better organization. I think I cleaned it out over one year ago. Before I knew it, the coats had somehow magically multiplied with hand-me-downs and seasonal additions. I was sad that there was hardly any room for guest coats.

So, a little trip to IKEA (we love it there), a few purchases and time to sort…

…and voila! There were so many coats and sweatshirts that weren’t being worn because 1) they’re too small, 2) they’re too big or 3) they don’t belong to us. A few things have since found new homes and other things are being packed away for future use. We’re planning on converting a lot of our clothes hangers to wooden ones, just a little at a time.

Think our dry cleaner will be happy with my little hanger donation? The plastic ones will find a home in the laundry room in the meantime.

Onward to the kitchen where you’d think we might keep our plates in the top cabinets… nope, not us. For accessibility sake, we have our plates in the drawers below where pots and pans are sometimes stored.

I had bought four of these plate holders three years ago, but was short two. I just kept forgetting to buy them over the last few years.

Kiddie plates just stack with everything. I love, love, love these holders. Minimal or no assembly, plates don’t rattle, they all have their places. It’s awesome.

(FYI: I have not been paid, given product by, or asked by IKEA to advertise or “plug” their products. This is simply a post about products we like.)

Inaugural Whole Foods excursion

Crazy good Whole Foods buffet

Went to Whole Foods with the family for the first time and as I suspected, Eastman thoroughly enjoyed the store. There was a lot of, “Hey, look at this!” and “Look at this section.” Here we are checking out one of the food bars. I’m so excited that we found nut-free granola for me and Ollie, and not unreasonably priced, either! Granted, I wouldn’t say we would buy all our groceries there. The two closest Whole Foods locations are not quick drives.

Coffee... we need coffee.

We were visiting a newer location and we made it from one end of the store to the other, and Abby said, “Wait? Weren’t we just here?” Eastman told her we were just at the other end, and she said, “WHAT?! This place is huge!”

Happy grocery shopper

Grocery Savings

So, I cut coupons. I shop the sales. I subscribe to Grocery (thank you, Heather). You feel like you beat the system somehow.  Here’s a post from last year. (For my family, who might be reading, just click on the underlined word “here’s”.)

Today, not only did I beat my record, I had the strangest encounter at the grocery store that I frequently visit. The cashier seemed really irritated with all my coupons; she is also not the cashier I regularly “visit”. I like that I have a “favorite” cashier, and certain check-out lines we like to go to. Maybe she was having a bad day, but here I was, just looking to pay for my goods and there she was telling me (with an angry European accent), “You have too many coupons…” Then she continues to say something to the affect that I’m practically paying nothing… and sounding mad?! That’s right, lady! And I’m proud of it. Hey, mind your business, scan them in and get me out of here. Why are you getting upset with my shopping habits?

Sometimes, during the car ride home, I’ll calculate in my head how much I saved, but I waited until I could sit with a calculator this time. Retail cost: $112. I paid about $62 and some change. 43% savings, hooray! I had $23 in cut coupons, and another $26 in “store savings” like those preferred card deals, buy 1/get 1, and non-advertised price drops. I only wish I had my coupon organizer with me, because I would’ve bought more… lots of non-advertised deals/price drops/clearance deals for the next week.

Anyhow, things I got for free: 2 boxes of Wheat Thins-Artisan, 24 oz. Hunt’s ketchup, Wholly Salsa, 1 lb. Italian Sausage, bag of Tostito scoops, Breyer’s Ice Cream, Soft Scrub liquid cleaner

Martha Stewart in Chicago

Holy cow!! I met Martha Stewart!!!! *whew* I have to get the rest of this excitement over Martha out of my system.

Our Martha Stewart autographed books

I took Ollie on a little trip last Friday to Macy’s on State Street… totally last minute decision. Left the house at 10:15 a.m. for her 1 pm book signing.


Got in line at about 12:00 pm where we were greeted by Macy’s staff with bottled water and cookies. The staff was so nice.


We made friends with people in line… thanks to the lady from Scottsdale, AZ for taking our picture. We liked talking with the well-dressed-newspaper-reading guy, too. The Asian lady behind us in the picture had her dog, Emma, in her purse. And we talked about making homemade dog treats.


The line started moving a bit past 1:00 pm. A voice came from beyond a corner, then applause. None of us in line could hear a thing, but oh well, we thought, they’re probably just introducing Martha. Realistically, I figured if we were still in line by 2:00, we would bail because I had to pick up our daughter at school. However, the line was moving at a good pace, and then the skies opened up… a Macy’s staff person approached me and said, “Martha asked that mothers with young children in or with strollers, and disabled people get consideration and be ushered to the head of the line. I already brought up two moms. So, go ahead, go up there and talk to the women at the head of the line, and they’ll get you in the queue.” We love Martha, don’t we? The lady in the bright yellow green sweater was apparently a main coordinator (or Martha staff) and she got us right in.

Getting ready to meet Martha

I’ve been telling people that Martha Stewart is really stunning in person. She’s a beautiful lady… she’s also a powerful woman. I wonder if I admire her more for her lifestyle-crafting-cooking inspirations or her empire building skills? She was very nice, cordial, talked with Ollie a little bit (funny pic in the gallery), asked who the crafter was in our house, what crafts I do (I could have said, “Everything!”, but only told her that I papercraft and sew). For all the things I could have said to her, I basically came up with, “Ms. Stewart, it is such a pleasure to meet you.” She said, “Why, thank you.” Then she said, “Oh, he lets you craft? You have time?” I said, “Well, I sneak in time… but really, I don’t sleep too much,” and she grinned, “Yes, we know about that.” She said, “Very nice to meet you.” to my brother.

There was an older lady whom we met after the signing who was quite upset that Martha was 12 minutes late. She said, “I gave her one demerit for every minute she was late, so that makes 12 demerits…” Wow. Okay, lady, I don’t know how you give demerits, or what they’re going to do for Martha, but I’m pretty sure she wasn’t too concerned about you.

The rest of our short visit with the lifestyle maven is captured in pictures…Ha, ha, thanks for the pictures, Patrick! Don’t know what I would’ve done if you weren’t there!

Growing up foodie

Looking back at some posts, I don’t know that I’ve written specifically about our penchant for cooking, entertaining, and food. Good food. Good ingredients help. We like a good restaurant, fancy or not, kid-friendly or super posh, and good deals are a favorite. Ha. It’s no secret, we enjoy it all. I wonder if part of it is from my husband’s stint at a seafood restaurant during high school. Or maybe it’s my fascination with The Food Network which I’ve watched from the beginning. I’d watch and think, “Hey, I could make that.” Much like crafting, eh? I’m thankful I’m not any heavier than I am with what I eat!

Before kids, I used to have this weird idea that our children would have mature palates and speak like Sylvester the Cat’s son… “Fah-ther, why must we eat the bird?” Remember that? But instead they would say, “Mother… I would like grilled brie on baguette for lunch.” or “Father, please pass the smoked salmon.”

Over the weekend, we shopped at our local Trader Joe’s and watching our kids in the store is probably indicative of how our foodie habits influence them. Our girl does enjoy salmon, cheddar cheese and apples, dark chocolate. Then there’s the boy. He made his way to the cheese section. I love that he went for brie first! But in the end we bought some parmesan… he likes eating that too.

Shopping for cheese

Shopping at Trader Joe's

The boy likes tea, too. He’s my tea buddy at TeaLula’s tea bar. His favorites are fruity flavored ones with lots of sugar cubes, but I try to keep it to one cube per cup, if that. Tea and scones. Ollie says, “Ah-yee (Ollie) cone, cone now, eat cone. Dink tea.” Pictures by Ollie. Mom, Miss Sheila and his beloved “cones”.

TeaLula and Sheila DudaScones at TeaLula

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