Instant Coffee anyone?

Taster's Choice

I invited Eastman to be a guest blogger one of these days, because I think he’d do a really funny (and fine) job.  Abby would be fun to have on, too, for that matter.  Anyhow, the idea crossed my mind because today we received a little single serve sample of Nescafe Taster’s Choice with the Sunday paper.  Eastman has been drinking and enjoying Starbucks Via at work.  Taster’s Choice WAS instant before Starbuck’s, right? So, he gave it a whirl, and I asked him how it was.  Remember, the tagline was something like “Costs 4x less than Starbucks.”

He said, “Yeah, not that good, unfortunately it tastes like it.”  After I had a sip the words “burned coffee” crossed my mind.  So, if you’re into that, you can go here for a free sample.

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