Some Website Clean-up, Fun and Giveaway

Funky Monday soup, right? We’ll get to that in a moment. I’ve been toying around with this site layout. I’m no web programmer by any means, just playing around. Some of the additions are:

  • Along the right hand side of the blog, I’ll post some books and products on cooking, crafting, etc. Some books I own, some I’ve borrowed, read at the library, seen at friend’s homes… I just think they’re cool books, and I think you might like them too. I promise not to clutter up with too much advertising. That was never my intention with this site.
  • Further down the right hand side, there is a “Google Friend Connect” box. I don’t know if there are people other than my family who are following my craziness – well, on a regular basis. I sure do appreciate it if you are, and if you feel so inclined to follow along, feel free to sign-in.

So, around 8:00 PM last night, I realized, “OH, it’s Sunday!” It was one of those, “Gee, I thought it was Saturday” moments, and I have to get my head back into the weekday routines.  But no, I was wandering around cyberspace and found this site: Sign Generator from So much fun to be had. There are lots of images to choose from – pick one and enter your phrase. That’s how the Monday Soup came about.

How about your own Oscar award? Street sign? Magic 8 ball? I would have to shake the ball again if I got this fortune. We all have those days, don’t we? I feel like making a bunch of goofy ones and sending them off to my friends.

Lastly, go by Craft Critique today to see my review on Donna Downey products (there are 3 articles, mine is number 2 or 3), and sign up for the wonderful giveaways! I’m so excited to be able to bring these fun opportunities to readers! Entries are open until Wed., May 5… Happy Cinco de Mayo!

(My Craft Critique legal disclosure that I have to include so I or others don’t get in trouble!)

Recycled Paper Coasters

Recycled Coasters

This is what I do when my kid doesn’t want to go outside, wants to snuggle and watch The Wiggles, Sesame Street and Little Bill. I have a hard time sitting still. So, I took apart a catalog that just came in the mail and made these coasters. Can  you see Martha Stewart’s noggin? Heh. Wish I could take credit for these little paper projects, but I found this tutorial a while ago on Jess Jones’s blog, How About Orange. After following her blog a little while, I actually met her in person this past Spring at the first Craft Social. My coasters need a little work because I didn’t exactly follow her directions, nor did I have the computer by my side, but they work!

While this is a departure from my seemingly endless conversation about food, it’s made me think about how this journal is evolving. I’m contemplating extracting all the food (and some entertaining) entries and starting a separate blog. I really thought I’d be talking about crafting more often, and no doubt, it has a special place in my heart, but somehow I take more pictures of food and have this want to share it online. Not only that, I’m finding it difficult to make time for crafting, but hey, everyone has to eat, right?

I have no name ideas, I don’t even know how to do the task. WordPress for Dummies seems to be a good purchase right about now. But, I haven’t yet made the executive decision to lop off the food conversations. There are pros and cons to having everything in one place.

Reaching around the world

This blogging thing is amazing… while the world is pretty big, the internet community brings us just one step closer.

Hello to the locals in Washington DC, Kansas, Cary, IL, Rochester (NY and MN), Philadelphia, Los Angeles and Bakersfield, CA, Kenmore, Lynnwood, and Tacoma, WA, San Antonio, TX, Mountain View (not sure if this is a town or area in CA), Denver, New Hampshire, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, Missouri, Indiana and Vancouver (US and Canada).

Hello to you nice people from around the world! Belgium, Great Britain, Montreal, Beijing, Egypt, India and Philippines.

Interesting searches leading people here: bacon and toast, muy delicioso, orange peel man.

The Craft Social

It might be intimidating to some to go all by yourself, not knowing anyone except for maybe through blogging, to a gathering of over 100 women (and one man) to craft for two hours.

Craft Social

It was FABULOUS!  Really, it was. This pic was at the beginning of the evening.  Attendees either brought a donation or food, and a craft project to do on her own.  There were also crafting stations where you could learn how to do a new project: duct tape wallets, decoupage bowls, paper-decorated clothespins, poloroid slide transfers, beading, and other various crafts.

One of many craft tablesFellow crafters

My magnetic bookmarkPom-pom flowers

I brought a cross-stitch project to work on, but really, I socialized, made a magnetic bookmark, little paper adornments and a pom-pom flower.

Meeting so many talented people and watching them create these beautiful pieces, made me want to try more things!  Hello to Toni at the refreshment area, Margaret, who was working on her applique, Kathy, who writes Merriment Design, Cindy, an event planner and crafter, Alexandra, who brought a scrumptious tart, Debbie and Rosemary, the stampin’ up ladies, Tripp Hudgins, the nicest husband and only man in the group (so enjoyed talking about paper and ink), Beth Engelman, blogger/writer, and Jess Jones, the social coordinator and blogger.

I can’t wait for the next one!

Giveaway at “Just Spotted” and “Swanky Paper”

I joined a blog directory after my brother asked, “Have you joined any blog directories?” I’m learning, I’m learning…

Anyhow, after joining Blogcatalog, I’ve found even MORE people like me addicted to lifestyle blogs, crafting, family creativeness, etc. The world is so full of awesome, creative, artistic, life-loving people!

Like this one:

Check out their giveaway! You just might win!

Teacher Appreciation Gift idea

Last week was National Teacher Appreciation Week.  I’m one of the room parents, so I went out and bought a simple flowering plant (kids are studying plants next week) and printed up this card.


The little faces were stamped with my pinky and ring finger.  Used washable markers to color them up.  My stamp pads are stored right now since I haven’t been  stamping too much lately, and I didn’t feel like dragging them out.


Just a cute, simple, heartfelt card.  You can find poems all over the web, but this one was from here.

Hope everyone had a great Mother’s Day!

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