Candy Corn inspired DIY ideas for Fall and Halloween

As if I (we) need more things to do… but how can you not like these Candy Corn inspired projects?

Candy Corn non-alcoholic Jello Shots

Candy Corn Pillowcase Dress from The Ribbon Retreat blog

Candy Corn Felt Sachets. You can also do a large scale drawstring backpack (at

Candy Corn Trick or Treat Bags at Purl Bee

Source: via Juliet on Pinterest

And if I could knit… Candy Corn Mittens!

Craft Book Review: Desire to Inspire

I picked up “Desire to Inspire: Using Creative Passion to Transform the World” by Christine Mason Miller (2011, published by North Light Books) this summer after spying it in a picture… in a magazine. (Keen eyes, eh?) I thought, “That looks interesting.” Actually, the magazine article was about Miller’s creative space – I wish I had that creative space. Rephrase: I’m wishing and hoping that I get my act together to make a creative space.

Miller brings together a body of artists, creative writers, entrepreneurs to showcase the ways we can impact the world through sharing and making art – nineteen contributors plus the author, in all. The book intertwines stories, exercises for the reader, and includes pull-out inspirational quotes.

The personal quotes, photos, original artwork… beautiful and nicely organized. Sometimes I found the book theraputic, sometimes as an art journaling manual, helping corral your thoughts on paper, artistically. Sometimes, I just found myself drooling at the pictures. I used to journal like the one in the picture below.

You might think it’s a “new age” book… not spiritual, but it kind of is. All the contributors speak of their creative passions… sharing them to inspire others.

This book would be great, not just for all you creative types, but for those of you who want to be creative but don’t think you are… does that make sense? Everyone’s creative – just different levels. It doesn’t have to be all paint, drawings, sewing, paper and scrapbooking. The book helped me take time to rediscover, review qualities that I sort of know are there, but just haven’t thought about in a while… I found the book at a good time when I was talking to my husband about using my talents to help others, to do good.

“Being of service to others starts with being exactly who you are. The world needs your gifts.” – Jamie Ridler

Craft Book Review: The Star Wars Craft Book

The Star Wars Craft Book | project-in-progress

“Dedicated to Geeky Craftsters everywhere. May the glue gun be with you!”

I received The Star Wars Craft Book by Bonnie Burton (Del Rey, 2011, 156 pgs.) as a Christmas gift last year. Galactic ideas here. Clever projects use material you can probably find around your house, and if not, they aren’t too pricey. Like usual, I devoured the book and earmarked some projects, (like this R2-D2 beanie!), but only recently started my first project.

If only I knew how to crochet…

I found the book tone very casual unlike a Martha Stewart craft book – very precise. That’s not a bad or good thing… just an observation. The patterns for all the projects are located at the back of the book and online (if you don’t want to cut up your book, or need to copy and enlarge the patterns).

Jar Jar in-progress

My son asked me for Jar Jar Binks Jedi Mind Trick Doll. Not my first choice. My husband asked him if he might like some other project: the Bith Band puppets, a Bantha… maybe Han Solo in Soaponite. Nope.

“Jar Jar. Because he’s cute.”

One issue with the Jar Jar project material list: red felt is missing. You need it for Jar Jar’s tongue. The directions are easy to follow, but the directions fail to include a step for the arms. They are included in the pattern.

So as of this post, the project is in-progress. Since I didn’t have any felt on hand, I decided to use what I had: cotton and some flannel. I always seem to drift away from patterns (craft apron), directions (t-shirt quilt) and recommended materials. They’re just suggestions, right?

I’ll post the finished project as an update… and, would this book be a welcome addition to the Geek Crafter in your life? Yes, yes it would. It’s fun for the whole family, it’s fun if you’re a Star Wars fan… just plain fun!

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