Sewing and planting and pain, oh my.

Hello, friends. What’s been going on with you? It’s finally Spring!! Tell me I’m not the only one running around with soccer games, t-ball games and trying to do stuff outside the house.

Soccer game 2013

T-Ball game Catcher 2013

In some few spare moments, I made progress on sewing projects until my iron blew up on me. Oops. But, thankfully, before that happened I taught my big kid how to use the sewing machine for a class project. (She can sew!) We didn’t get snippy with each other – I’m grateful for that. Because you know, it’s so easy to get frustrated teaching your own kid.

North Star quilt square

Bowtie quilt square

Hourglass quilt square

Took a break from sewing and worked in the garden beds and in the wasteland of our very clayey backyard. (Clayey, it’s a legit soils engineering word.)

Garden prep in the front

Garden prep in the backyard

Then – ouch. Not in my back, but my hands. It took a few weeks to shake off. (I’m sad about that. Means I’m getting old.)

Working the soil on your own was pretty satisfying, and I thought I did pretty well all things considered.  But basically, I was using muscles in my hands that haven’t been stressed for a while, and it didn’t occur to me that they would hurt so much. It was pretty unpleasant for someone with a high threshold for discomfort.  So I started to wonder if this was it… arthritis. It’s prevalent in my family. Are my genes catching up to me? (Did I ever write about being tested for rheumatoid arthritis? I’m good. No signs.)

I even made sure I wore my wrist braces to sleep (yes, both wrists) to make sure I didn’t wake up with numb hands. (Yeah, carpal tunnel too.) So when I woke up the next morning with awfully sore hands, I thought, okay, let’s take some Advil and all will be well. Right hand, good. Left hand, not so good. So, there’s been a slowdown of sewing/work around the house. But, I’m glad to say, my hands have returned to mostly-normal.

We were gone for a few days… visited friends, worked on bicycles. So. Much. Fun.

Bicycle Weekend at Goldberry Woods

Mugshot Monday: Sickness


After a fabulous Easter week (including getting back on my bike), I was down for the count today. Camped out on the couch, did absolutely nothing but sniffle, cough, and whine about how achy I am. Yep, not pretty. And the world housework came to a halt. Also not pretty. Life goes on – hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Today’s mugshot is my little concoction for when I’m sick: hot water, lemon slice, ginger, and honey. It’s soothing. If my sinuses are acting up, I’ll steep a cinnamon stick, ginger, and a few whole black pepper. Let that cool a bit and add honey. You better sit with a box of tissue because your nose will start draining like crazy.

Have a great week everyone! (And go, Michigan!)

Mugshot Monday: Oscar Night Hangover

Mugshot Monday: Oscar Night Hangover

Award shows are my “Super Bowl”. No parties necessary, just me and my family, rooting for our favorites. Don’t worry, I won’t go into a play-by-play review of the evening. There’s plenty of that going on. I totally missed the Red Carpet anyway. I will say this:

  • Twitter and Facebook make Award shows really interactive for me. So much humor out in the world.
  • The In Memoriam always chokes me up.
  • Wasn’t the music fun and inspiring last night?
  • I was really happy for Adele.
  • The ridiculous “boobs” song by Seth MacFarlane… Can’t tell you how many times I told the little one, “You cannot sing this in school! Do you understand? Do not sing this outside of this house.”

So, today I’m going to recover from the weekend: late Oscars night (I did start to drag, didn’t it?) and my daughter’s sleepover party. Fun times to share about her book exchange party.

Mugshot Monday: Distractions

Mugshot Monday: Waiting for the Car

Weekend was good – hope yours was too. Sorry this mugshot comes late today. Definitely no crafting or creating was had. And sometimes you need those days. But…

Brought our car in for service. You hope it’s an easy fix, you think it’s a slam dunk-I’m gonna be out of here in an hour- sort of thing. Nope, nope, nope. *sigh* Money hemorrhage day. Life happens.

I think some therapeutic sewing or drawing is necessary.

Mugshot Monday: Deep Thoughts Mug

Monday Mugshots

No coffee or tea shot today, but here’s another way I use my mugs. Hope to make some time to draw and color after the kids are at school. Valentine’s Day is just around the corner after all.

(Don’t get me wrong… I gotta start the day with a little kick. I’m drinking some lovely coffee from Intelligentsia today.)


I’ve had this coffee mug since the 1990s. My best friend from high school (later my college roommate, then matron-of-honor) gave it to me. Who remembers “Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey” on Saturday Night Live? This one reads, “Better not take a dog on the Space Shuttle, because if he sticks his head out when you’re coming home his face might burn up.” Still makes me laugh! Yes, I’m geeky that way.

So perfect because my friend studied Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering in college.

H, I’m thinking of you today. 🙂

Have a great Monday everyone!

With Thoughts from the Weekend

No pictures tonight.

Horrible news from Connecticut on Friday still reels in my head, like just about everyone in the nation.

This is what I wrote on my personal Facebook page on Friday night:
How many parents let their kids stay up later than usual? How many kids got that extra piece of candy or dessert tonight? How many parents cherished kisses, relished in hugs from their little ones today? How many people got teary or started to cry tonight saying bedtime prayers?

Yes, all of the above for me.

Today, the tv was for football games and tonight, I couldn’t help but cry when one stadium sent up one flare for every person tragically lost. And, the President’s speech… too many names spoken. I sat with a Kleenex box.

There’s no comprehension for what Newtown is feeling and coping with. I’m so heartbroken for this community and for the families… I start to get teary-eyed every time I hear bits of the events. And stories are surfacing of people I “know” through social media who are directly dealing with loss.

Let’s be thankful for what we have, for our loved ones in our lives. Let’s send thoughts of comfort to those who are in need.

There are ways to help… here’s one:
Sandy Hook School Support Fund through United Way


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