Lego Birthday – Table and Treats

My mind was reeling with ideas once my son told me he wanted a Lego birthday party. The games, the decor, the invitations… I don’t know who was more excited! When our guests arrived, they picked up their name badges and could grab a little snack if they wanted. The smiley Lego face treat bags greeted them too (the treat bag printing wasn’t without a few problems).

Name badges, treat bags and "Lego crackers"

The name badges were created with Microsoft Publisher and two images I pulled off the internet. The plastic protectors and lanyards were readily available at an office supply store – and in sets.

Junior Builder name badges

Lego-inspired cheese and crackers

My party helper

I found yellow plastic partyware at a local GFS Marketplace. Your local party store will likely carry them too. Just take a permanent marker, grab a few cups and plop yourself down on the couch. Drawing the little Lego guy faces was very easy and quick. It’s helpful to have a catalog or website open for some inspiration, too. We decided not to draw on the plates – we all felt squeamish having pizza touching marker ink.

Yellow Lego face cups, green bubble wrap runner, finger-food snacks

The bubble wrap idea came from “delia creates“. Except I didn’t have time to spray paint the back of it. I did have kelly green plastic tablecloth and that seemed to suffice.

Bubble wrap on top of kelly green tablecloth looks Lego-esque

Other Resources

Snacks (my son’s favorites): Cheetos, Goldfish crackers, Fritos
Treat bags (also some favorites): Brick candy, pencils, glow bracelets, sticky hands, little notepads

Lego Birthday Party Success

Someone was very excited about turning five and celebrating it with his friends. Lego style!

Store-bought cake, decorated at home

What a fun and super flexible theme… I shared the Lego Birthday Party invitation the other day.

Clockwise from top left: Guest name badges, kirigami Lego men, cups and straws, Lego face treat bags

 The materials and tools were easily found around the home: construction paper, brown paper bags, permanent markers and a color printer. (I bought a few things but nothing expensive!)

Coloring sheets and Lego bricks - enough to keep everyone happy

I’ll share our party games, supplies and cake tips this week.

Meanwhile here are some fantastic resources for Lego birthday party ideas:

Lego Kirigami (paper Lego men template)

Lego Party ideas at Birthday

Tip Junkie – 8 Lego Party ideas


Table ideas

Let the Lego Birthday Party Planning Begin

Birthdays have always been a large part of my childhood. My mom and dad hosted birthday parties for me until I was 22 years old, believe it or not. A summer birthday meant picnics, backyard games, lots of family and friends. Sometimes we’d just go out to eat at a nice restaurant.

I always thought I’d give my kids memorable birthdays and fun parties. Just two years ago (almost three) we hosted a Webkinz party for our daughter. Some of her friends still talk about it. And now my son’s turn…it started with him in January of this year. “I wanna Lego theme birthday party!” How strange (or cool) is it that a four-year old thinks about party themes? My planning started two weeks ago since I get worked up over these things. I hope by sharing the process I’ll minimize the amount of Maalox I drink on top of the acid reflux pill I already take.

For this Lego birthday invite, I had Ollie pose his Lego figures and we had a little photo shoot. I edited the pictures in Picasa, made a collage and added invitation text in the empty space. Instead of printing the invitations at home, I uploaded the completed picture to a major store (think Walgreens, CVS, Walmart, etc.) and ordered 5 x 7 prints. They turned out so well, and it was very easy to do!

Hope this inspires you to do your own invitations!

Thursday Tip: Lunchtime Jello

How is everyone doing? This school year took off with so much energy, and I feel like I’m just now coming up for some air… getting ready to go back down into the river of household-heading, room parenting, writing, blogging, crafting, etc. Like so many, I have a problem saying NO, and I have a penchant for starting projects every time I see something cool. But, after realizing I have way too many daydreams and not enough finished products, I thought I better try to tidy up my projects-in-progress before I start something new.

In the meantime, there’s been plenty of activity around here… hope to share soon. And now, for a Thursday Tip.

Reusable lunch containers are great

More often than not, I’m using reusable lunch containers for my daughter. The ones we have actually fit her cooler lunchbox from L.L. Bean.

Jello right in container

My husband saw that I was making some Jello, and suggested I pour some right into the lunch containers. Totally worked – no staining, either! (He’s so smart.) There was enough Jello for four containers, and the rest was put into an 8×8 glass pan.

Lunch boxes ready for the week

I’d love to hear your lunchtime tips… what are some favorite lunchtime meals?