Adobo Cook-Off, Fire Pit and a Long Bike Ride


What a fun-filled weekend!

  • Attended a Filipino food cook-off, Adobofest 2011, in one of the many forest preserves around Chicago. It seemed pretty well attended, but I heard there were four times as many entries as there were this year. More on this event tomorrow.

    Filipino Cook-Off Event: Adobofest 2011

  • Used our fire pit for the first time. Told the kids this was a close to camping as we’ll ever get! I’ve never been camping. Ever. But I am open to the idea of putting up a tent in the backyard one nice summer night. Maybe next year?

    Roasting dinner over the fire in the backyard with the kids

  • Abby’s soccer team won their game after a harsh season opener (they lost 8-2)!
  • And I rode 50 miles in the North Shore Century Ride! Started with a lovely sunrise over Lake Michigan – but quickly turned into a rainy mess of a day. I was drenched by the end. Took me 4 hours and 25 minutes, and on somewhat spongy tires for the middle leg of 20 miles (Oops.). It was really fun, but I won’t lie – it was a lot of work in some spots. And, I’m not very athletic at all. This may be my one big athletic accomplishment to date.

    Sunrise at Lake Michigan - Dawes Park - Evanston, IL

    The eager cyclist - I'm so excited

    Morning registration

    Bike odometer reached 50 miles at Bahai Temple of Worship, Wilmette, IL

I’m ready for a relaxing week. Too bad it won’t be… always something happening around our here! *grin*

Have a great week everyone!

30 Days of Creativity – Day 19: Inspiration Board

Day 19: Do you keep a creative journal or have an inspiration board?  Share!

Vision boards, inspiration boards or journals – I dig them. I had a journal after college until I was married. Shortly afterwards, the journaling stopped… until Spring 2010.  (And it’s time to make a new one.)

Here are highlights from my old-school-cut-and-paste poster that came to life last year.

  • Started writing a semi-regular food column for an online newspaper (switch careers?).
  • Became an editor at Craft Critique (there’s a little cut-out word “editor”).
  • Rode 25 miles in my first organized cycling/bike ride (see the woman on the bike?).

Here’s a neat post explaining how to make a virtual inspiration board with Picasa. And I enjoyed this article explaining the “why” behind vision boards. I wonder how many people actually do these? Are there people who share them with the world, or is it too personal?

Sickness in the House

Blizzard 2011 was memorable: kids playing in the streets, our neighbors helping dig people out, snowbanks that are four to six feet tall. But, as all good things do, it came to an end and my husband went back to work on Friday as did most everyone around here… except for my daughter. Little A is sick with the flu, so there hasn’t been too much going on here except for lots of snuggling on the couch, periodic temperature checks and lying around in PJ’s all day for her.

There’s been a lot of time spent in the kitchen these last few days… I need everyone to be back in school and work so I can stop eating so much! We did celebrate Chinese New Year at home, but will have the BIG family gathering in a few weeks… and then celebrated my husband’s birthday yesterday with a homemade bolognese lasagna (Saturday night went out with friends for a grown-up night). The house still smells like garlic and  rich Italian sauce.

Hilarious Product Placement

In the meantime, I’ll be back in full force next week. I’d love to do a little “craft-along” project with whomever would like to join.

Thank you, readers, for sticking around,
thank you for reading along,
thank you for all your comments both on the site and private.

It means the world…

A new online catalog for eye candy!
View Ben's PinsSee my pins on pinterest

Busy February

Picture by G. Feiereisel

Wow, it’s been a while… let’s update.

Holiday/birthday season is over for me (husband’s, father’s, daughter’s and numerous friends), and tomorrow our party-hosting blackout month starts. We may be taking a hosting hiatus, but that doesn’t mean we’re not thinking about it. Amidst the celebrating, we started looking for Holy Communion dresses for Abby and planning a lunch reception. We have a little less than two months, which really translates to, I have a little less than two months to reorganize and pull my house back together again.

In the next month, I’ll begin reporting for Craft Critique where I will rediscover and review some of my own crafting supplies and equipment, and be introduced to new and exciting products in the crafting world. I can’t wait! You might imagine I have quite the array of products, but my craft shed is fairly minimal. You’ll see. To jump start my creative juices and “research” current products, I’ve been visiting the local Archiver’s over the last few weekends to see the “make-and-take” projects and see product demos.

Another love of mine is Chicago history and architecture, so to celebrate that my husband and I attended “Chicago in History and Mystery” at our local library. Fabulous guest speakers, wine and hors d’ouevres, too. (Can I tell you how weird it was eating and walking around the library with a glass of chardonnay? God forbid I spill anything!) Back to the speakers: Authors JA Konrath, Gillian Flynn and Henry Perez; Rick Kogan and Charles Osgood from the Chicago Tribune and WTTW personality, Geoffrey Baer.

I’ve never been to an author panel discussion before; it was eye-opening and fun! These authors write mysteries, and being able to hear them speak about their inspirations, how they got started, how they approach their character development was so fascinating. We came home with Afraid by Konrath, who also writes under Jack Kilborn, but I’m definitely looking forward to reading the others. Have to get through my stack of books by my bed first.

It’s amazing enough to watch Geoffrey Baer’s tours of Chicago on tv, read Rick Kogan’s articles and see Charles’s photography, but listening to them when they’re a few feet away from you… incredibly captivating and entertaining personal stories. Sorry to say I didn’t bring my camera, but then again, not many people did. I might be able to link to the library website if they update their event photos. I wanted to tuck every anecdote away in my head to share with friends, but by the time we left (about 4 hours) I was so overwhelmed with factoids and fun stories. I’ll end with a few Chicago tidbits that stuck.

  • Louis “Studs” Terkel (Chicagoan author, broadcaster, historian) was one of the oldest people to undergo open-heart surgery at the age of 93. In his own words through Rick Kogan, “I’m a medical miracle!”
  • Caldwell Avenue is named for “Billy” Caldwell whose American Indian name was Sauganash which is also the name of the neighborhood that the avenue runs through. I had no idea…
  • Park Ridge is not the highest point in Cook County which many Park Ridgians believe. High point is somewhere around Barrington.
  • Park Ridge was home to many artisans and craftspeople, and included a workshop called Kalo Arts Crafts Community House where many silversmiths and jewelers started their trade.

Such a rich history in the arts… is it a wonder I feel at home here? We’ll see what happens in the next month since I also applied for a seat on the newly formed “Historic Preservation Commission” in town.

Cleaning out the Closet and a Drawer

We have a giant front closet in our foyer, and I’ll admit, it’s long overdue for a little better organization. I think I cleaned it out over one year ago. Before I knew it, the coats had somehow magically multiplied with hand-me-downs and seasonal additions. I was sad that there was hardly any room for guest coats.

So, a little trip to IKEA (we love it there), a few purchases and time to sort…

…and voila! There were so many coats and sweatshirts that weren’t being worn because 1) they’re too small, 2) they’re too big or 3) they don’t belong to us. A few things have since found new homes and other things are being packed away for future use. We’re planning on converting a lot of our clothes hangers to wooden ones, just a little at a time.

Think our dry cleaner will be happy with my little hanger donation? The plastic ones will find a home in the laundry room in the meantime.

Onward to the kitchen where you’d think we might keep our plates in the top cabinets… nope, not us. For accessibility sake, we have our plates in the drawers below where pots and pans are sometimes stored.

I had bought four of these plate holders three years ago, but was short two. I just kept forgetting to buy them over the last few years.

Kiddie plates just stack with everything. I love, love, love these holders. Minimal or no assembly, plates don’t rattle, they all have their places. It’s awesome.

(FYI: I have not been paid, given product by, or asked by IKEA to advertise or “plug” their products. This is simply a post about products we like.)

From our home to yours

Hunkering down with new toys

We’re having fun with family in town, visiting relatives and friends who have come home for the holidays, hosting family and friends at our home, not to mention playing with new toys (Santa brought me Copic Markers!!!) It’s been a whirlwind of activity, and so there hasn’t been too much time to write.

See my kids personalities shining through

Just a sincere thank you to our friends and family for visiting “So This is Julie” this year. It’s been fun sharing parts of our life with you. We hope you’ve had a wonderful 2009 and look forward to sharing more home, crafting, food and party ideas in 2010!

2009 highlights

Little Man’s
-learned his ABC’s and can count up to 20 fairly well by himself
-started going to “Tiny School” (once a week program)
-took a memorable plane ride to California
-was ring bearer when his aunt got married

-lost her first tooth right before school started
-learned how to ride a two-wheeler, finally
-took a trip to California
-started second grade

-sister got married in October
-being introduced to the cheese counter at Whole Foods (we love Joanna)
-losing some weight
-getting braces for 18 months
-teaching Abby to ride her bike

-started this blog and has made some cyber-friends
-seeing some icons: Martha Stewart and David Foster (now I just have to meet Oprah)
-visited family in California
-started exercising…again, but actually enjoying it
-got a new bike and will be gearing up for a “century ride” in September ’10

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